I was ordained into the ministry of Word and Sacrament in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) on July 10, at Ascension Lutheran Church, in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.
Here’s the audio of Pastor Jeff Blain’s ordination sermon.

Here are a few of the photographs from my ordination service, as well as the bulletin and leader’s guide.

Ordination Rite

And as promised, the leader’s guide and bulletin from my Lutheran Ordination Service. Hopefully this will be helpful to future ordinands putting together a service!

And here are the files. I don’t have Publisher, so I did it in Word, and the church office modified it in Publisher for final printing. But here’s what I came up with!
Flucke Ordination Bulletin Single Pages PDF
Flucke Ordination Bulletin docx
And finally, the ordination Leader’s Guide including the ELCA ELW Rite of Ordination. This includes the full rite and prayers, etc.
Flucke Ordination Leader’s Guide
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