This Sunday’s Gospel reading is a perhaps familiar story of Jesus calling disciples to follow him. But rather than picking the elite of society, the cream of the crop of potential recruits, Jesus chooses a few ordinary fishermen. It’s a
I was gone last Sunday at the ELCA Youth Network Extravaganza in Louisville, but the Gospel reading for that Sunday was Jesus’ first sermon, a message in which he laid out his mission to proclaim the good news of God’s
God gives many and varied spiritual gifts to the church, calling us all to use our gifts for the common good. Everyone has something to offer, and everyone’s talents, abilities, and gifts are needed for us to do the work
For the last couple of weeks, we’ve celebrated the birth of the baby Jesus. In this Sunday’s Scripture readings, we find the Jesus all grown up and ready to begin his public ministry. And as an adult, Jesus’ first recorded
Happy New Year! This week in worship, we wrap up the Christmas season with the celebration of Epiphany, looking at the story in Matthew 2:1-12 of Magi from the East coming to worship the baby Jesus. These foreigners symbolize the