I’m back from parental leave! I’m so grateful to have had eight weeks to spend with family after Jonah’s birth. For this first Sunday back, I’ve reworked my sermon from June 28, 2020 (in the height of the pandemic!). Here’s
Abundant Life in the Good Shepherd | April 30, 2023
Today is the 4th Sunday of Easter, Good Shepherd Sunday, and our Scripture readings are Acts 2:42-47, Psalm 23, and John 10:1-10. This sermon explores how we as church are called to live an abundant life following Jesus together. Also,
Walk to Emmaus | April 23, 2023
In the walk to Emmaus story, we recognize the promise that Jesus is with us on our own journeys through life, coming to meet us especially when we are grieving or overwhelmed. The sacraments of baptism and holy communion offer
Opening Locked Doors | April 16, 2023
On the evening of that first Easter Sunday, Jesus appeared to his disciples, despite the fact that they were hiding in a locked room. We are called to unlock the doors and step out in faith to proclaim the good
Easter Sunday: Who Are You Looking For? | April 9, 2023
It’s Easter Sunday! Today’s sermon asks who it is we are looking for as we come to worship at the empty tomb. Our Scripture reading for the day is John 20:1-18, and of course, this sermon draws from the Seeking