In this third week of our series Practicing Faith we’re exploring our call to “Proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed.” Here are the first and second weeks of this series. Today’s Scripture readings are
This is week two of our five-part sermon series “Practicing Faith” exploring the five promises of baptism. Today, we’re looking at what it means to “Hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper.” Our Scripture readings for
This week, we begin a new five-week series of sermons exploring the five promises of baptism, which I’m calling “Practicing Faith.” Today, we’re looking at what it means to “Live among God’s faithful people.” Following the service, we are assembling
Jesus calls us to take up the cross and follow him as disciples. Answering this call changes the way we see the world. As Jesus’ followers, we follow the Messiah who humbled himself, laying down is life rather than taking
As the body of Christ, all of us are claimed as God’s children through baptism, gathered to be church together and to grow as disciples, and sent to serve our neighbors and live out our faith. The Holy Spirit blesses