This was a very special service for me, as I got to baptize Jonah, my two month old son! We had a previously scheduled joint worship service in the park with both of the congregations I serve, so this was
I’m back from parental leave! I’m so grateful to have had eight weeks to spend with family after Jonah’s birth. For this first Sunday back, I’ve reworked my sermon from June 28, 2020 (in the height of the pandemic!). Here’s
Although my present call at Living Hope and Christ the King Lutheran Churches doesn’t have a regular monthly print newsletter in the same way my previous congregation did, I have started a somewhat-quarterly print newsletter shared between the two congregations,
Although my present call at Living Hope and Christ the King Lutheran Churches doesn’t have a regular monthly print newsletter in the same way my previous congregation did, I have started a somewhat-quarterly print newsletter shared between the two congregations,
Today is the 4th Sunday of Easter, Good Shepherd Sunday, and our Scripture readings are Acts 2:42-47, Psalm 23, and John 10:1-10. This sermon explores how we as church are called to live an abundant life following Jesus together. Also,