Merry Christmas! For Christmas Day 2024, we had a joint worship service at Christ the King. It was mostly a hymn-sing, but I also shared this brief message about the song I Wonder as I Wander, partially inspired by Cameron
Merry Christmas! Tonight’s Christmas Eve sermon concludes this year’s Advent series, Grace-Filled Beginnings, from the ELCA’s Western North Dakota Synod. Tonight, we hear the story of God’s grace entering the world in the person of Jesus Christ, born in Bethlehem and
On this final Sunday in Advent, we hear Mary’s song, a song of joy as she proclaims the ways her son will change the world. In the midst of the overwhelming evidence of this world’s brokenness, Mary proclaims that God
In this third week of Advent, John the Baptist calls for repentance. The crowds that hear him agree that change is needed, but they wonder, “What should we do?” Looking at the brokenness in the world around us, we wonder
The season of Advent is about preparing the way for Jesus. In this time of waiting, we prepare our hearts to receive the King of Kings as he comes to us as a little child. There’s a paradox as we