For this week’s worship service, I got to put into practice an idea I’d come across and saved from six years ago when John’s account of Jesus feeding the 5,000 came up in a previous lectionary: We went to the
This is the final sermon in a four part series, Together, for the month of July. The previous entries in this series are linked within the opening of the sermon. This week, we’re looking at our call to pursue Justice
This Sunday in worship, we continue our series Together by looking at how we are Created Together. You have something in common with everyone you meet: Like you, they are created by God and bear God’s image. We’ll hear how Jesus calls us
This is the second week of our July series, Together, exploring how Jesus offers us a different path than the division and hatred our culture insists on. This week, we’re looking at how Jesus calls us to Serve Together. As
This Sunday, we begin a new series, Together, exploring how Jesus offers us a different path than the division and hatred our culture insists on. For more on where we’re going in this series, check out this introductory newsletter column. This