One of the challenges of the many Biblical stories of God calling people to follow is that while we believe God has a call for each person, most of us don’t get to hear God’s audible voice like Samuel. Moses
Today’s Trinity Sunday sermon focuses, of course, on the mysterious concept of God as Trinity, Three-in-One. Though the doctrine of Trinity is a core part of our confession of faith, it is ultimately a human attempt to comprehend a God
It’s Pentecost! Today, we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and the formation of the Church. This sermon explores both Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit to be an Advocate for the disciples after he is no longer physically
On this final Sunday of the Easter season, we will hear the story of Jesus’ ascension. While this is a lesser-known holiday (“holy day”), it is an essential part of the story of Jesus’ earthly ministry, and there are some significant implications for our faith and life
In the limited time Jesus has with his disciples in John 15 before his betrayal and crucifixion, Jesus’ focus is on love. Love one another as I have loved you. And remember that you did not choose me, but I