For this Third Sunday of Advent in RCL Year A, the gospel text is Matthew 11:2-11. Here’s the sermon for December 14/15, 2019. “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near!” Many of you were here last week when
Midweek Advent Sermon on Zechariah
Sermon for midweek Advent service at St. Peter on December 11, 2020. The text is Luke 1:5-24, 57-80. I’m going to try something a little different tonight. Instead of reading a lesson and then giving you a sermon about it,
2019 Advent 2 – John and Wilderness Hope
Here at St. Peter Lutheran Church, Saturday worship on December 6 was the children’s Christmas program. Since the elevator to the sanctuary was in the process of being repaired, we held it in fellowship hall! This sermon was preached therefore
2019 Advent 1 – Waiting
Here’s the sermon for the first Sunday in Advent, lectionary year A, preached November 30 and December 1, 2020. I found helpful this reflection by Michael J. Chan at WorkingPreacher, as well as Jim Somerville’s sermon (PDF) at A Sermon
December 2019 Newsletter: Advent Waiting
Church newsletter pastoral column for St. Peter Lutheran Church, Greene, Iowa, for December, 2019. Advent Waiting For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will