On the evening of that first Easter Sunday, Jesus appeared to his disciples, despite the fact that they were hiding in a locked room. We are called to unlock the doors and step out in faith to proclaim the good
Easter Sunday: Who Are You Looking For? | April 9, 2023
It’s Easter Sunday! Today’s sermon asks who it is we are looking for as we come to worship at the empty tomb. Our Scripture reading for the day is John 20:1-18, and of course, this sermon draws from the Seeking
Good Friday | April 7, 2023
For my first Good Friday service serving here at Living Hope and Christ the King, I went with a similar message and service order to what I’d previously used in Greene, specifically in 2019 (the last pre-pandemic Good Friday). This
Maundy Thursday: Remembering, Responding, Reuniting | April 6, 2023
Tonight’s Maundy Thursday sermon is in three parts, focusing on remembering the story of God’s salvation of God’s people, hearing how Jesus calls us to respond in love, and being reunited as God’s people around Christ’s table. Today’s Scripture readings
Palm Sunday: Where Are You Headed? | April 2, 2023
It’s Palm Sunday! Today’s sermon focuses on the contrast between the kingdoms offered by Jesus and Pontius Pilate, asking whose parade we want to be a part of. Today’s Scripture readings are Philippians 2:5-11 and Matthew 21:1-11. This sermon is