The season of Advent is about preparing the way for Jesus. In this time of waiting, we prepare our hearts to receive the King of Kings as he comes to us as a little child. There’s a paradox as we
God Prepares Us for Grace | December 8, 2024

The season of Advent is about preparing the way for Jesus. In this time of waiting, we prepare our hearts to receive the King of Kings as he comes to us as a little child. There’s a paradox as we
This year’s Advent theme this year is “Grace-Filled Beginnings” (a resource from the ELCA’s Western North Dakota Synod based on John Stevens’ Advent devotional book Grace-Filled Beginnings)and over these next four weeks, we’ll be exploring the significance of God’s grace
This week’s sermon is a bit different than usual. For Reign of Christ / Christ the King Sunday this year (the final Sunday of the church year), I adapted a worship service outline from Pr. Melissa Woeppel that I’d saved
In this 2024 sermon on Mark 13, I look at some gloomy-sounding predictions from Jesus about the future. Buildings will be destroyed, nations will rise against nations, there will be famines, earthquakes, and similar apocalyptic happenings. It’s a scary prophecy
November is often a month focused on giving and gratitude, and this Sunday offers what appears to be the perfect opening to talk about stewardship: The story in Mark 12:38-44 of a poor widow putting her last two cents into the temple offering. And yet, there’s