In today’s Gospel lesson from Mark 4:35-41, we hear about Jesus and the disciples caught in a storm while crossing the Sea of Galilee. In the middle of the storm, Jesus is in the back of the boat taking a
Questions and Calmed Storms | June 23, 2024

In today’s Gospel lesson from Mark 4:35-41, we hear about Jesus and the disciples caught in a storm while crossing the Sea of Galilee. In the middle of the storm, Jesus is in the back of the boat taking a
In today’s Gospel reading from Mark 4:26-34, Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to a seed sown by a farmer. The seed grows, even though the farmer does very little. It’s not a particularly dramatic illustration, but perhaps that’s part
In the beginning, God created the world and saw that it was good. Creation was perfect, with all living in harmony. And yet, if we look around at our world today, it is abundantly clear that we are not living in paradise. This world
One of the challenges of the many Biblical stories of God calling people to follow is that while we believe God has a call for each person, most of us don’t get to hear God’s audible voice like Samuel. Moses
Today’s Trinity Sunday sermon focuses, of course, on the mysterious concept of God as Trinity, Three-in-One. Though the doctrine of Trinity is a core part of our confession of faith, it is ultimately a human attempt to comprehend a God