This is the final sermon in a four part series, Together, for the month of July. The previous entries in this series are linked within the opening of the sermon. This week, we’re looking at our call to pursue Justice
Justice Together | July 28, 2024

This is the final sermon in a four part series, Together, for the month of July. The previous entries in this series are linked within the opening of the sermon. This week, we’re looking at our call to pursue Justice
As we wrap up our series, “How Does a Weary World Rejoice?” our theme is, “We trust our belovedness.” Rejoicing comes when we recognize and trust God’s immeasurable love for us. Our identity as God’s beloved sustains us when we
In this All Saints Sunday worship service, Pastor Daniel Flucke looks at the question of what makes someone a saint. Is it how good of a person you are? Is it how much money you give to the church? Perhaps
Give to the emperor what is the emperor’s, and give to God what is God’s—and what is not God’s? Being made in God’s image has implications for how we use the gifts God has trusted to us (stewardship), how we
This was a very special service for me, as I got to baptize Jonah, my two month old son! We had a previously scheduled joint worship service in the park with both of the congregations I serve, so this was