On the evening of that first Easter Sunday, Jesus appeared to his disciples, despite the fact that they were hiding in a locked room. We are called to unlock the doors and step out in faith to proclaim the good
Opening Locked Doors | April 16, 2023

On the evening of that first Easter Sunday, Jesus appeared to his disciples, despite the fact that they were hiding in a locked room. We are called to unlock the doors and step out in faith to proclaim the good
It’s Easter Sunday! Today’s sermon asks who it is we are looking for as we come to worship at the empty tomb. Our Scripture reading for the day is John 20:1-18, and of course, this sermon draws from the Seeking
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! …Are you sure? This year’s Easter sermon looks at the story of Jesus’ resurrection and its implications for us today. Happy Easter! This year’s Easter Sunday Scripture readings are John 20:1-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:19-26.
This week, we’re looking at a story in Acts 1 where the apostles had an important decision to make for the early church. Through that story’s lens, Pastor Daniel Flucke explores some criteria for our own faithful decision-making as followers
The greatest love, says Jesus, is to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. And in the life and death of Jesus, we see God’s incomprehensible love for us and for the world. Here’s my sermon for the sixth Sunday