Here’s my sermon for my third time being involved at Christ the King’s annual polka worship service! The service includes the Lutheran liturgy set to a variety of polka tunes arranged and led by musicians from our congregation here at
Mission of Justice | February 5, 2023 Sermon on Micah 6:8
We are called to share the good news of the coming of God’s kingdom, called to live God’s way, rather than the world’s way. But as followers of Jesus, what is it we are supposed to do? In this Sunday’s
Follow Me | Sermon for January 22, 2023
Have you ever found yourself wondering if we as a church are good enough? Ever wondered whether God has plans for our future, or whether God is truly calling people like you and I to be part of Jesus’ mission
Meeting Jesus | Sermon on Evangelism for January 15, 2023
Who introduced you to Jesus? How did you come to faith? This week in worship, we’ll hear a couple great examples of evangelism. Sometimes that word “evangelism” can be scary, but at its heart, all it means is introducing people