In this third Sunday in Lent, we hear Jesus tell a parable about an impatient landowner and an unproductive fig tree. Is the fig tree a waste of space and soil? Or is it an illustration of the value of
Parable of the Fig Tree | March 23, 2025

In this third Sunday in Lent, we hear Jesus tell a parable about an impatient landowner and an unproductive fig tree. Is the fig tree a waste of space and soil? Or is it an illustration of the value of
For this second week in Lend, we continue A Sanctified Art‘s Lenten series Everything [in] Between from by looking at the favorite Lutheran topic of the tension between faith & works. In the story of Mary and Martha, Mary seems
This week’s midweek ecumenical Lent service is hosted by Living Hope. Tonight’s sermon explore’s Scripture’s promise that God is enough by focusing on the story of God providing manna for the Israelites as they wandered in the wilderness. The Scripture
This year for Lent, Christ the King and Living Hope are using a theme from A Sanctified Art called Everything [in] Between: Meeting God in the Midst of Extremes. Each Sunday’s message will explore two seemingly opposed binaries, but as
Tonight’s Ash Wednesday worship service presents an interesting challenge because it’s the introduction to two different Lenten themes for the churches I serve. For midweek ecumenical services, we’re focusing on the theme Enough, but on Sundays at Living Hope and