It’s Palm Sunday! Today’s sermon focuses on the contrast between the kingdoms offered by Jesus and Pontius Pilate, asking whose parade we want to be a part of. Today’s Scripture readings are Philippians 2:5-11 and Matthew 21:1-11. This sermon is
Lent 5: Can These Bones Life? | March 26, 2023
Today’s sermon looks at two stories of resurrection. No, we’re not to Easter quite yet, but both Ezekiel’s vision of a valley of dry bones and Jesus’ miraculous raising of Lazarus give us a sort of sneak peek of what’s
Lent 4: Who Sinned? | March 19, 2023
This Sunday’s sermon wrestles with the question, “Who sinned?” and explores how God calls us to follow Jesus’ example of treating a man born blind not as an object lesson in punishment, but as a beloved child of God. When
Lent 3: Will You Give Me a Drink? | March 12, 2023
This weekend in worship, our theme question from our Seeking Lenten theme from A Sanctified Art is “Will you give me a drink?” We’ll look at two stories–one from the Old Testament narrative of the Israelites wandering in the wilderness, and one
Lent 2: How Do We Begin Again? | March 5, 2023 Sermon
On this second Sunday of Lent, we continue our Lenten series on “Seeking” by exploring the question, “How do we begin again?” We’re looking at two characters in the Bible who asked questions of their own, Abraham and Nicodemus. And