Here’s a back-to-school prayer I wrote for the St. Peter Lutheran Church Facebook page. I think this is a good way for church’s social media accounts to recognize a big moment in the community. This is the graphic I made
A Prayer for Back to School

Here’s a back-to-school prayer I wrote for the St. Peter Lutheran Church Facebook page. I think this is a good way for church’s social media accounts to recognize a big moment in the community. This is the graphic I made
We’ve been watching the 2003 movie Luther (Link to buy on Amazon): , starring Joseph Fiennes, in confirmation and high school youth group this month in preparation for our Reformation 500 commemorations. There are some great things about this movie (for
As I was working on worship planning for this summer, I realized I didn’t have a sortable list of all the hymns in the Lutheran Book of Worship (aka LBW, aka The Green Hymnal). I had a spreadsheet file for Evangelical Lutheran