Sunday, March 1, 2020 is the second Sunday in Lent of RCL Year A. Today’s sermon touches on all four readings, which are Genesis 12:1-4a; Psalm 121; Romans 4:1-5, 13-17; and John 3:1-17. Grace and peace to you from God
March 1, 2020 Sermon: Temptation and Baptism
Sunday, March 1, 2020, is the first Sunday in Lent, and the gospel reading is Matthew 4:1-11, the temptation of Jesus. In writing this sermon, I found helpful this commentary from Elle Dowd, and this devotional from James Boyce. Let
Ash Wednesday 2020
My sermon for this year’s Ash Wednesday worship service includes three sermon moments, all based off of Jill Duffield’s book cited below, which we planned to use for all our community Lent services this year. Her article here was also
February 23, 2020 Sermon: Transfiguration Evangelism
Thanks to 2020, I got way behind in posting sermons, so it’s mid-October as I’m posting this sermon from February 23. At the time, I was back from parental leave and ready to focus on leading our congregation to improve
Sermon for February 16, 2020: Jesus Intensifies the Law
This week’s sermon is on Matthew 5:21-37. I found Marcia Y. Riggs commentary in Feasting on the Word, Year A, Volume 1 helpful, especially page 356. Here’s the sermon: This is our third week in a row looking at Matthew