Here at St. Peter, we’re gearing up for Consecration Sunday next weekend. We’ll have a guest preacher from the synod talking about stewardship, followed by a Celebration Lunch for the whole congregation. In preparation for that, here’s my best Lutheran stewardship
All Saints Day 2018 Sermon
On November 3/4, 2018, we celebrated the festival of All Saints Day. The texts for this weekend are Revelation 21:1-6a, Isaiah 25:6-9, and John 11:32-44. I was inspired this week by two of the God Pause email devotionals from Rev. Betsy Dart,
Reformation Day Confirmation 2018
This year for Reformation Day #501, we celebrated confirmation with 9 of our high school freshmen, four at the 8:30 service and five at the 11:00 service. With the Saturday service thrown in there as well, that means there are
Sermon on Jesus’ True Glory
The sermon text for October 21, 2018, is Mark 10:35-45. In preparing this sermon, I found Pastor Tim Brown’s reflection in the weekly ELCA World Hunger Sermon Starters email helpful. Do any of you know about calling “shotgun”? If you’re in
Sermon on Law and Gospel
This week at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Greene, Iowa, we celebrated a baptism at the 8:30 service, and had a very cold Sunday School hayride between services. The readings for October 14, 2018, are Hebrews 4:12-16 and Mark 10:17-31.