In this third Sunday in Lent, we hear Jesus tell a parable about an impatient landowner and an unproductive fig tree. Is the fig tree a waste of space and soil? Or is it an illustration of the value of
Parable of the Fig Tree | March 23, 2025

In this third Sunday in Lent, we hear Jesus tell a parable about an impatient landowner and an unproductive fig tree. Is the fig tree a waste of space and soil? Or is it an illustration of the value of
Today is Transfiguration Sunday, a turning point in the church year. Up on a mountain, Jesus’ disciples begin to realize on a whole new level who it is they’re following. Jesus is not just a great teacher, not just another
As people of God, we are created in God’s image as spiritual beings and renewed with the promise of new life. Rooted in that identity in Christ, we are set free to live in a way that looks different than
This Sunday’s Gospel reading is a perhaps familiar story of Jesus calling disciples to follow him. But rather than picking the elite of society, the cream of the crop of potential recruits, Jesus chooses a few ordinary fishermen. It’s a
I was gone last Sunday at the ELCA Youth Network Extravaganza in Louisville, but the Gospel reading for that Sunday was Jesus’ first sermon, a message in which he laid out his mission to proclaim the good news of God’s