Church newsletter pastoral column for St. Peter Lutheran Church, Greene, Iowa, for November, 2021. 

Why Join a Church?

“For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.
– Romans 12:4-5

As you’ll see elsewhere in this newsletter, I will be leading two-week a new member orientation session in November, and we plan to welcome new members into our congregation in worship on the weekend of November 20/21. As I get ready to share about our congregation with people interested in joining, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be a member of a church.

The idea of “membership” in organizations has gone out of fashion in today’s world. Many people are suspicious of institutions (often with good reason!). But the church is a unique sort of institution.

Ever heard the old American Express slogan “Membership has its privileges”? Church membership is different. It’s not like membership in a country club, or holding a certain credit card. Being a church member isn’t about special privileges (No, you don’t need to be a member to have your funeral here, or to worship with us, or even to receive the newsletter!). Of course, there are many benefits to being in a church, but the church should never be some kind of exclusive club!

The apostle Paul describes the church as the body of Christ. No church is perfect (and that certainly includes ours!) but the church is the primary way God works in the world. God blesses the world through our work together. If you’re looking for a perfect group of people, St. Peter Lutheran Church is not it. But we are a family committed to growing in faith and following Jesus Christ together.

Membership is a way of holding each other accountable as followers of Jesus. We support one another and the mission of the church together. Members make important decisions for the congregation, including calling new pastors, approving the annual budget, and electing the church council to provide leadership and direction for our ministry.

According to the constitution of St. Peter Lutheran Church, members of this congregation shall:

  1. Make regular use of the means of grace, both hearing Word and receiving the Sacraments;
  2. Live a Christian life in accordance with the Word of God and Lutheran teachings;
  3. Support God’s work here and through the wider church with time, abilities, and financial offerings.

Basically, to be involved and count as a member, you need to be involved! We offer ourselves, our time, and our possessions not as “membership dues,” but to share our resources as we work together in the common mission to which Christ calls us. If there’s a “club,” then we’re all in it together, because Christ has paid our dues! The “requirements” for membership involve participating together, not paying dues and fulfilling obligations, but joining together to become Christ’s body and carry out God’s work.

Membership at St. Peter is about belonging; first and foremost, to the body of Christ, and secondly to this particular group of people. We laugh and cry together. We pray for one another and struggle alongside one another. We help out and support each other, offering grace and forgiveness wherever we can. And when we fail in those commitments (and we will!), we rely on the grace of the One who holds us all in love—our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In Christ,
-Pastor Daniel Flucke

November 2021 Newsletter Column: Why Join a Church?

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