This Sunday, we conclude our four week focus on stewardship (using the Stewardship in a Box resources from Church Anew) with a call to intentional giving. Jesus tells a powerful story emphasizing the importance of being prepared. When we don’t
In this All Saints Sunday worship service, Pastor Daniel Flucke looks at the question of what makes someone a saint. Is it how good of a person you are? Is it how much money you give to the church? Perhaps
This weekend, we commemorate Reformation Sunday by hearing again the good news Paul proclaims in Romans 3:28 “For we hold that a person is justified by faith apart from works prescribed by the law.” As we continue talking about stewardship over the next few weeks, remember
Give to the emperor what is the emperor’s, and give to God what is God’s—and what is not God’s? Being made in God’s image has implications for how we use the gifts God has trusted to us (stewardship), how we
This Sunday’s sermon is an update to my 2020 sermon on this text, Vineyard Vengeance, for which I found helpful Michael Renninger’s sermon here and David Lose’s reflection here. This sermon looks at connections between a fascinating parable from Jesus